School governors are members of a School’s Governing Board. They are all volunteers and have responsibility for raising school standards through three core aims:

  • Providing strategic leadership
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the performance of pupils and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The governing board has the strategic responsibility for the effective management of the school, acting within the framework set by national legislation and with due consideration to the policies of the local authority.

The governing board work in partnership with the head teacher and senior leadership team to set the priorities for the school’s development each year. The governing board are responsible for holding school leaders to account for the progress made towards achieving the objectives and aims of the school development plan.

The Full Governing Board meet for at least six full meetings per academic year, these meetings are supported and administered by a professional clerk.

School governors are members of a School’s Governing Board. They have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles:

In addition, some Governors have taken lead roles in monitoring priority areas of the school development plan as well as safeguarding , SEND, HEY and the spending and impact of pupil premium funding and the Sport and PE Premium funding.

Governors also attend school events and activities, e.g. Parents’ Evening.


Delegating aspects of our governance responsibilities to committees enables the governing board to remain strategically focused on the agreed key areas of school development and work in an efficient way. It is decided which governors will join each committee by analysing governors’ skills and experiences through a skills audit and assigning committee membership accordingly.

Committee membership is reviewed at the beginning of each academic year.  We presently have a Resources Committee that meets six times a year, and a Pay Panel that meets twice a year.

The remit of the Resources committee is to monitor the financial position of the school and hold school leaders to account for the financial performance of the school and ensuring financial efficiency.

The Pay Panel agrees the Pay Policy on behalf of the governors and ratifies pay progression for the head teacher and staff.